Essay on Importance of Cow | 300 and 500 Words for Students

Essay on Importance of Cow | 300 and 500 Words for Students

Essay on Cow - Although the cow is of great importance in the whole world, but in the context of Nepal, it has been the backbone of Nepalese economy since ancient times.

Whether it is the matter of milk or the bullocks used for farming. The number of cows used to be the standard of prosperity of a person in the Vedic period. Being a milky animal, it is a very useful domestic animal.

Importance of Cow : Essay on Cow

Cow's milk is very nutritious. It is considered a very useful diet for the sick and children. Apart from this, many types of dishes are made from milk.

Curd, cheese, butter and ghee are also made from milk. Cow's ghee and cow urine are also used for making many Ayurvedic medicines.

Cow dung is the best manure for crops. After the death of the cow, all its parts including its skin, bones and horns are of some use or the other.

Cow's milk is very useful as compared to other animals. Children are especially advised to feed cow's milk because while buffalo's milk brings lethargy, cow's milk maintains the restlessness in children.

It is believed that a buffalo baby (pado) falls asleep after drinking milk, while a cow's calf jumps after drinking its mother's milk.

Cow is not only useful for people in its life, but even after death, every part of its body is useful. Cow's leather, horn, hooves are used to make daily life items. Manure prepared from cow bones is used for agriculture.

Specifications - Essay on Cow

Body Structure of Cow : Cow has one mouth, two eyes, two ears, four udders, two horns, two nostrils and four legs. The hooves of the feet act as shoes for the cow. The tail of the cow is long and there is also a bunch on its side, which it uses to fly flies etc. Some species of cow do not have horns.

Colours of Cow : Cow is of many colors like white, black, red, almond and pied.

Religious Importance of Cow : In India, the cow has the status of a goddess. It is believed that 33 crore goddess reside in the body of a cow. This is the reason that on the second day of Diwali, special worship of cows is done on the occasion of Govardhan Puja and they are adorned with peacock feathers etc.

In ancient Nepal, the cow was considered a symbol of prosperity. During the war, cows were also looted along with gold, ornaments. The more cows in the state, the more prosperous it is considered. Who does not know Krishna's love for the cow? That is why one of his names is also Gopal.


Essay on Cow - Unfortunately, the way polythene is used in cities and thrown away, cows die untimely after consuming it. In this direction, everyone will have to think seriously so that the symbol of our 'faith' and 'economy' can be saved. Overall the cow has great importance in the life of man. The cow is still the backbone of the rural economy.

Anish Kumar Tiwari

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