Essay on Deforestation | It's Causes and Impacts | 300, 500 and 600 Words

Essay on Deforestation | It's Causes and Impacts | 300, 500 and 600 Words

Essay on Deforestation

Deforestation is the removal of forests on a large scale by burning trees and forests to meet individual needs. Along with creating a natural balance in the environment, forests are very important for the entire human community.

However, human beings are continuously cutting trees without seeing and understanding its negative consequences on society and environment. Forest is very important for us and our future generation to live and enjoy a healthy and peaceful life in a pollution free healthy environment.

Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests to increase the use of timber and sources of life. Cutting a tree is not bad but cutting it permanently is bad. If someone cuts a tree, he should plant the tree again at the same or another place. Deforestation is done for many purposes like agriculture, livelihood, house, furniture, road, fuel and industrialization etc. 

Deforestation is taking the environment very badly and rapidly towards destruction. In the last century the earth was covered with forests, whereas at present up to 80% of the forests have been cut and destroyed and even the rain forest has disappeared permanently.

Forests are needed for the welfare of wild animals, humans and the environment. Due to deforestation, many unique species of plants and animals have been permanently extinct. The process of cutting trees is disturbing the natural carbon cycle and increasing its level in the environment day by day.

In addition to removing the pollutants from the atmosphere, the forest is a better medium for using CO2 gas from the environment and which maintains the purity of the environment.

Whenever trees are destroyed or burnt in any manner, it releases carbon and methane which is harmful for human life. Both the gases are called greenhouse gases which ultimately cause global warming.

Forest is very important for getting complete rain, medicine, pure air, removal of air pollution, getting wood for many purposes etc. When we cut trees, it disturbs all the chakras and affects human life.

Instead of cutting trees to meet the paper requirement, we should make a habit of recycling old things as much as possible to avoid cutting down new trees.

Imagine a planet without water, life is not possible. And in the same way, life is impossible without trees and forest because it is the means of rain, fresh air, habitat for animals, shade, wood etc.

Without trees, it is possible on earth to have rain, pure air, animals, shade, wood, nor medicine. Everywhere there will be only heat, drought, flood, storm, carbon dioxide gas, methane, other poisonous gases, and there will be summer season, not winter season.

To stop deforestation, we should take some step together. We should not waste the papers and should avoid unnecessary use of things like paper kitchen towel, mouth cleaning tissue etc.

To reduce the need to cut trees, we should think about reusing and recycling paper items. It is in our own hands to save the forest and trees and a small step taken from our side can prove to be a big step towards stopping deforestation.

Anish Kumar Tiwari

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