Meaning and Definition of Adult Franchise

Meaning and Definition of Adult Franchise

Adult franchise

An adult franchise consists of two words: adult and franchise. Here, "adult" refers to an adult, and "franchise" refers to voting rights. Thus, voting rights are available to the majority, collectively, such as empowering a person to exercise the right to vote. The word franchise comes from the French word "franchise" which means "free". It means the free exercise of the right to choose one's representative.

Adult franchise means that all adult citizens must be given voting rights without discrimination by caste, class, color, religion, or gender. Adult franchises should be based on equality, the basic principle of democracy. Because the spirit of democracy can only be maintained if people are given the right to vote without discrimination. 

Therefore, the adult franchise is accepted as the foundation of a democratic system. Voting age varies from country to country. In Denmark and Japan, men or women have the right to vote from the age of 25. The age limit is 23 in Norway and 18 in the United Kingdom, the United States, Russia, and Turkey. 20 years in Switzerland. In our country Nepal, the minimum age to practice a franchise is currently 18 years old and must be a Nepalese citizen.

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Anish Kumar Tiwari

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