The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robbin Sharma - Summary Book

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robbin Sharma - Summary Book

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Julian Mantle
is a lawyer by profession, but he is not a modest lawyer, he is very rich. He has his own personal jet, a big house built on an island, and a red glowing Ferrari, that's all. He has achieved what an ordinary person would want to achieve in his life.

Furthermore, he works for 18-18 hours a day, due to which even at the age of 53, he looks like a 70-year-old with wrinkles on his face. Neither he was happy in his work, nor did he talk to his father while he had everything, due to which his marriage was also not successful.

One day, Julian suddenly fell into the courtroom, when he was taken to the hospital, the doctors told him that he had a heart attack. A student of his also stood in the same courtroom whose name is John.

When Julian was in the hospital, he did not meet anyone, nor did he ever return to the court to practice law again. John tried hard to meet his master, but Julian refused to meet anyone.

It is later revealed that he has sold his house, Ferrari, and private jet everything and has gone to a mysterious place in India to get answers to some of his questions.

After three years, a person came to John's house, a young man of 30 years, a Buddha-like smile on his face, seemed full of energy, initially John kept looking at him, but he did not say anything.

After standing for some time the person said, John, do you welcome your guest like this. As soon as that person said this, John immediately understood that he was none other than Julian Mantle.

Then Julian said that he roamed from village to village in India, and finally, he found a group of monks known as "Sages of Sivana" in the Himalayan mountains and there was a monk named Raman who shared his knowledge with Julian.

But Raman told him that he would tell him this knowledge only if he would go back to where he came from and would go there and teach this knowledge to everyone.

So come friends, we also learn some wonderful things taught by Sage Raman, which will fill your life with full energy.

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The story of 7 virtues

There is a beautiful flowering garden in which there is a lot of peace and there is a lighthouse in the middle of it. But this peace is suddenly broken when a sumo wrestler comes out of the door of the lighthouse which is of 9 feet height and weighs about 900 pounds.

The wrestler is wearing a pink wire to hide the private part. The wrestler stumbles upon a golden stopwatch while roaming around in the garden wears it, and falls unconscious. 

Then finally, he wakes up, and the scent of the surrounding yellow roses is filled with energy. Then he gets up quickly and looks to his left side, there is a path full of diamonds, he goes on that path which gives him eternal happiness.

Initially, you will find this story funny, you will say what it is, but from this story, we will learn 7 things that changed the life of the monk Raman.

1. Quiet Garden

The quiet garden presents the mind or brain. Many people take all useless and negative thoughts to this quiet garden. They are always thinking negatively about the mistakes of the past and worrying about what will happen in the future.

Worry sucks the power of your mind and weakens you. That's why I will tell you 3 techniques for focus to learn to control your mind.

An average of 60,000 thoughts come to a person's mind in a day and surprisingly, 95% of these thoughts are the same ones that came to you the previous day. We keep thinking those same negative thoughts and smelling our garden.

Some people are always afraid of failure, and some are always afraid of financial problems and make themselves weak and old. We should only have control over what we have to think and what not to think.

Yogi Raman says that there are never mistakes in life, there is always learning, and your pain can be your biggest teacher. You do not have to become a prisoner of the past but be an architect of the future.

Before doing anything, it happens twice, once in your mind and the second in reality. This process is called blueprint. So try to not get the wrong thoughts in your mind because it makes your garden look bad.

A boy comes from far away to get knowledge from Guru and asks Guru how long will it take for me to become as knowledgeable as you?

Guru - son 5 years

Boy - This is too much time, what if I work twice as hard, how much time will it take?

Guru – 10 years

Boy - This is a lot of time, so what if I work hard all day and sleep at night and work harder then how much time will it take for me?

Guru - 15 years

Boy - I do not understand when I am ready to work harder every turn, yet every time you are telling more time, why?

Guru – Because your one meditation will remain on the result and only one remaining meditation will be on the process.

When you do any work, do not think about the end result, rather pay attention to the process of that work and the work will be done as soon as possible.

Many people believe in luck and rely on it, Yogi Raman says that when preparation is married to opportunity, then it is called luck.

I) Secret Of Happiness

Find the work you love the most or that you enjoy doing the most and do it. Sit for a while and think about what you like.

People who think that they do not have enough time to think about what they really like to do or what their passion is, they are just so busy in their jobs that neither for themselves nor their families. I want to say that I am so busy driving the car that I don't have time to put petrol in it.

People may also have this question now I am 40 or 50 years old and now how can I find my passion by leaving my job, then Yogi Raman says that nothing works immediately, it takes time for dreams to be fulfilled. 

And you have to take some risks, some people do the job of an accountant but they might like singing, then recognize your passion and start working on it from now on, start a long journey with a small step it occurs.

II) Techniques For Focus

  • Heat of rose

Take a rose sit in a quiet place, and look at the center of the rose, focusing on its color and texture. Yogi Raman explains that a rose is just like life. In the beginning, it is with thorns but if we have faith and patience toward our dreams then in the end we will reach the fragrance of a rose.

In the beginning, you will get some useless thoughts here and there, but after some time you will come to know that your mind is getting focused. Practice it daily, enjoy roses every day, and increase your time every day, slowly you will come to know that your mind is getting focused and you are getting more disciplined than before.

  • Opposition Thinking

Whenever you are very sad or very angry, then go to a quiet place, sit on a chair close your eyes, and think about any moment opposite to that moment, like if you are sad then happy. Think about it, if you are angry then think about peace, after a while, you will feel that you have changed and now you are not angry or frustrated.

  • The Secret of Lake

You can do this technique wherever you want, in the office, at home, or even in the car, sit and think about the person you want to be yourself. For example; if you want to become a singer then think about your favorite singer, think about how you will talk when you become a singer, how will you go, and how will you sing.

2. Lighthouse

The lighthouse in this story shows the purpose of your life. To live a fulfilling life, it is necessary to have a purpose in your life according to which you can walk. They do not waste, they know that they must fulfill their purpose, and monks use it under the name of the Sanskrit word Dharma which means goal of life.

Dharma comes from this ancient belief that we all have come to fulfill a mission on earth, by respecting Dharma you can achieve satisfaction and inner harmony.

For that you should have a clearly defined goal, you can accomplish a goal only when you can see it completely. For that, the monks have developed a 5 step method to accomplish a goal which is discussed below:-

I) Create Image - Create a mental image of the goal, if you want to work your weight then think of a fit person.

II) Pressure - Put pressure on yourself, but put pressure in a good way guys. Pressure should be an inspiration and not a source of stress. A good way to create pressure can be to share with your friends about your goal or purpose. You can tell on social media or on social media that your mind will put pressure on you to work.

III) Time Line - Set the time by which time you have to finish your work. If you do not set the time, then the work will be missed on the coming tomorrow and you know that tomorrow never comes.

IV) 21-Day RuleWhen we do any work continuously for 21 days, it becomes our habit. Do the work you are starting to do continuously for 21 days. Do not skip this rule otherwise, it will not become a habit and work will never be done.

V) Enjoyment - Enjoy your process, don't bet in a hurry, and laugh every day, you should not pass any day in which you are not happy.

3. Sumo Wrestler

Sumo wrestling teaches us to continuously and never-ending improvement. This quality is called kaizen. It is a Japanese word that means to learn continuously what the monks of sages of Sivana have created 10 steps known as 10 rituals of radiant leaving.

I) The Custom Of Solitude - You have to take some time out of your whole day, in which you can sit peacefully in one place and think about what you have done for the whole day or you can also apply imagination techniques in it.

II) Ritual Of Physicality - In this ritual, you have to take care of your body, do exercise, and do yoga. By doing this, you not only take care of your body but also you take care of your mind.

III) The Custom of Live Nourishment - In this you should eat only live food, which is called satvik food. In which you eat fruits and vegetables, if you are non-vegetarian then you must eat a salad with every meal. Monk's believe that the body has to work hard to digest the meat, due to which a lot of energy of the body is lost.

IV) The custom of Unlimited Knowledge - You should always keep learning, either by studying yourself or teaching others. But always keep learning something or the other.

V) Custom Of Personal Reflection - Always keep checking yourself whether you are growing more than yesterday or you have remained stable in the same way. If you want to improve in the coming tomorrow, then you should know what you did wrong today.

VI) Morning Ritual - Waking up with the sun in the morning and doing heart of rose practice or reading your religious book, be thankful to God for what he has given to you.

VII) Music Ritual - Listen to music as much as you can sleep but do not listen to music that makes you more stressed, rather listen to music to be calm.

VIII) Speaking Custom - Make your own mantra that fills positive energy in you and keeps repeating it again and again. For example, saying that I am a champion, I am a learner, I am a fearless one.

IX) Custom Of Friendly Character - In this custom, it is to be ensured that you always fulfill your principle.

X) The Custom Of Simplicity - Learn to be simple in life. For this, you can give yourself some tasks like I will not run mobile all day today. Give up those things which make you linseed and prisoner. Stay simple and help others. Don't try to put down anyone.

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4. Pink Wires

The pink wire is a symbol of self-discipline. You always have to be self-disciplined, never compare yourself with others, rather find yourself and keep your mind focused.

Keep yourself silent for a day, it will help you to have self-discipline. Eat food only 80% of the hunger. Reduce tension and live more.

5. Golden Stopwatch

As you must have understood from the name itself, the golden stopwatch teaches us how to manage time. All the rituals or qualities taught earlier will be in vain if we do not use our time properly.

I) Rule of 80/20

80% of the results you achieve in your life come from 20% of your activities. So you have to keep in mind that where you are spending your time, are you spending your time where it should be spent, are you doing the work which you have to do in that time or are you wasting your time.

II) To Say No

When you are doing the work that you should be doing at that time and if a friend or a relative or your phone disturbs you, then you should say no. If you do not respect your time then how someone will respect your time? Why would you, keep your ruthless behavior of your time?

III) Deathbed Mentality

Live your life as if today is your last day and what would you like to do on that day? Whether you are doing it now or something else.

6. Aromatic Rose

You may remember that the sumo wrestler faints, just as Julian Mantle faints in the courtroom because of his worries. But the sumo wrestler wakes up full of energy from the scent of flowers.

An ancient Chinese proverb says that when you give a rose, a little fragrance remains in your hands. This rose teaches us to serve others without any greed.

Whenever you get a chance, help others, help your friends, sit with your family members, and talk for a while. Do help those who ask you for help. This will give a positive energy to your mind. So that you will stand up again and feel refreshed.

7. Diamond Way

What is the most important time for you? That which has gone or that which is about to come or that which is with you in the present.

Happiness is not a destination, it is a journey that always goes on. So live your time freely, and remember the time you have now, nothing is more important in life than this.

The way of the diamond shows us everlasting happiness, as you go ahead in your life, you go on seeing new adventures, appreciate all the time, praise your nature, listen to the birds chirping in the morning and praise them, praise others, by this, you will find a sense of peace in you.

Never forget the simplicity, and always keep a sense of kindness in yourself, just as you talk to the boss of your office in the same way talk to the waiter of a restaurant, always be comfortable.

Julian tells John all these things in a room at night and it is the morning after telling him when John is feeling the sun's rays for the first time.

I have told you all these things from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari which is written by Robin Sharma.

I hope you have liked this The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Book Summary, do share it with your friends also.

Thank you!

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Anish Kumar Tiwari

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